Kiwi Fined RM6,000 For Trying To Open MAS Aircraft Door In Midair

A Kiwi restaurant manager was fined RM6,000, in default 12 months’ jail, by the Sepang magistrate’s court today for attempting to open the door of a Malaysia Airlines (MAS)...

A Kiwi restaurant manager was fined RM6,000, in default 12 months’ jail, by the Sepang magistrate’s court today for attempting to open the door of a Malaysia Airlines (MAS) aircraft (file photo above) in midair during a flight from New Zealand to the Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) last Sunday.

Magistrate Mohamad Izwan Mohamed Noh meted out the fine on Cranwell Frazer Harry, 32, who was in the orange prison uniform, from Auckland, New Zealand, after he pleaded guilty to the charge.

Before handing out the sentence, the magistrate warned Harry to not repeat his action, which was a serious offence and could endanger the lives of other passengers and crew onboard.

Harry, who was in the dock and with tears rolling down his cheeks, nodded and said, “I promise, sir”.

He was charged with endangering an aircraft and the lives of those onboard by attempting to open the emergency door of flight MH0130 in midair on its flight from Auckland to KLIA at 11 pm last Aug 12.

The charge was made under Regulation 97 of the Civil Aviation Regulations 2016, which provides a fine of up to RM50,000 or three years’ imprisonment, or both, upon conviction.

According to the facts of the case, an air stewardess on a flight from New Zealand to Vietnam, with transit at KLIA, saw Harry holding the handle of the emergency door of the aircraft and attempting to open it.

He was believed to be under the influence of alcohol having consumed five cans of beer and a glass liquor in the flight.